
- ADVANCED BLUETOOTH MULTIPOINTWorking in multiple locations means juggling multiple devices.Advanced Bluetooth Multipoint makes it easy, by keeping youconnected to both your laptop and smartphone at the same time.Switching things up has never been easier.
- UNIFIED COMMUNICATIONS (UC)Using a certified device with your virtual meeting (UC) platformsmakes your experience better. Evolve2 Buds are specificallydesigned, optimized, and certified for use with your platforms –the secret ingredient is the professional USB adapter. Betterconnection. Better call quality.
- JABRA MULTISENSOR VOICETMTaking work calls on the go can come with a lot of backgroundnoise. Jabra MultiSensor Voice™ uses a clever combination of fourmicrophones, bone conduction sensors, and advanced algorithms,to reduce disruptive background noise. It opens up a lot morepossibilities for where you take your next call.
- PLUG-AND-PLAY USBThis powerful little USB adapter boosts your connection andmakes it more stable, with fewer dropouts, and up to 20 meters /65 feet wireless range. It’s your new secret weapon.
- ULTRA-COMPACT DESIGNOur database of 62,000 ear scans is probably one of the largest inthe world. This, combined with our unique statistical modelingmethods, allows us to create our tiny earbud designs that fit likethey were made for you. Ultra-small and durable, these waterresistant buds can go with you rain or shine.
- UP TO 33 HOURS BATTERYWith their pocket-friendly case, Evolve2 Buds are good for up to33 hours, and if you do run low, a super-rapid charge feature willwin you back an hour of power in just five minutes. The case isQi-certified for wireless charging, and if you buy the bundle, thewireless charging pad’s included. They work as hard as you do.
- NOISE CANCELLATIONThe winning combination of a snug, noise-isolating fit and ActiveNoise Cancellation (ANC) help you find a quiet momentwhenever (and wherever) you need one. Use the MyFit feature inthe Jabra Sound+ app to find your optimal seal for maximumANC performance. It’s time to reclaim your thinking space.
- HEARTHROUGHIntuitive HearThrough technology uses the built-in microphonesto pick up the sounds around you and play them in your ears, allwithout ever needing to remove a bud. Perfect for coffeeorders, boarding calls, and “where’s the nearest metrostation?”
- HEARING PROTECTIONWhen you spend a lot of time on calls, you need to protect yourhearing. Jabra SafeTone™ and SafeTone™ G616 monitor averageaudio levels and include PeakStop™ to protect your ears fromsudden loud audio spikes. So you can relax, we’ve got you.